We have re-thought postal procurement. Mail buying solutions now involve a complex decision process, that goes beyond a weight and format commodity. With 50+ UK Postal Operators, offering an increasing range of postal services, and around 200 packet and parcel companies with hundreds of product options means you need to know the market to procure effectively.
With contracts usually lasting for 3-5 years it’s difficult to be an informed buyer in the market place.
PLCWW know the operators in the market place and have buyers who know how the market place is changing. We can support and inform your buying professional or negotiate the contracts for you.
Finding a mail and parcel distributor is a key part in the communications process but the real savings and benefits come from analyzing what communications you need to make and choosing the most effective electronic or physical communications process whether it be Internet, Email, SMS, Leaflet, Newsletter, Magazine, Direct Mail, Business Letter or even the simple Postcard.

We know how to assess communications needs and choose the appropriate medium and we know how to choose agencies and mailing houses to produce your physical communications pieces.
We know the UK Mail and Parcels Market, International Mailing Options and also the challenges of procuring Mail Production Overseas.
We are professionals in Postal Audits and with a combined focus on production, preparation and distribution we ensure you get real value for money. You can buy support for your in-house staff or employ us to deliver the total operation.
We know how to deliver market studies assess the value of outsourcing and can provide Mailroom Certification. All this in a changing postal environment where lean focussed procurement looks to the next age for mail. (also see section on Procurement).
For further information about mail buying solutions, please contact us.